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Social Responsibility

The Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is the voluntary integration of social and environmental concerns in the daily operations of organizations and interaction with all stakeholders. It is a way of contributing to society in a positive way and manage the social and environmental impacts of the organization in order to ensure and increase competitiveness.

In http://www.portaldaempresa.pt/CVE/pt/Gestao/ResponsabilidadeSocial/  (translated)

Each help we provide to others, we climb a step, making us more mature humans, aware of and responsible for our world.

This responsibility is Molag’s key-spring, an idea that was born from the project Responsibility in the Training Program PMEs (Small and Medium Companies) "Recycle PET to help the environment and ANEM" to help IPSS (Institute for Social Solidarity) ANEM – National Association of Sclerosis Multiple by collecting PET bottles and caps in order to provide its users a better life quality.


Commitment to quality and respect for the environment

Product quality and service is crucial to ensure the satisfaction of its customers – this is the spirit that guides the day-to-day of all employees of Molag. At the present the company is in the process of certification by the NP EN ISO 9001:2008 predicting that the process will be completed before the end of 2013.

Aware that the path of continuous improvement it is essential to satisfy customers with high standards of quality requirements, the Molag is already preparing for ISO / TS, in order to obtain this certificate during the year 2014.

Respect for the environment, provides the well-being of all employees, as well as its surroundings, therefore Molag considers essential to invest in this area by segregating the waste categories and forwarding them into authorized companies.